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  1. Custom Color Picker

  2. Block Colorer

Custom Color Picker

The Custom Color Picker can be crafted with a red dye, a blue dye, a green dye and a wool block

It is used to color colorable blocks, such as candles, colorable wool, colorable planks, etc.
To change the color of the , you can use it in the crafting table like leather armors.
You can reset the color by using it on a cauldron with water.
Right clicking on a colorable block will color the block with your 's current color.
Sneak + Right clicking on a colorable block will color the with the block's color.


    "display": {
        "color": [INTEGER]

Block Colorer

The Block Colorer can be crafted with a red dye, a blue dye and a green dye

It is used to change block to their colorable version, such as planks, wool, concrete, etc.
To make a block colorable, just place it in a crafting table with the Block Colorer.

©Copyrights owned by KiroTheBlueFox Last Update : 14th July 2020